Psalm 9:17

What is the biblical perspective on the future state of the United States of America?

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The answer lies in the progressive degradation of the very foundation of the nation.

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Psalm 33:12

There is a conspicuous absence in the biblical text of any specific reference to the future state of the United States of America. But what about the teachings of many biblical writers who have stated that the biblical text mentions the United States? These writers based their statements on speculation about certain biblical passages, including misinterpreting the biblical context of many passages. In essence, there is nothing written about it, and the only reference we can apply to the entire nation is the same result that was the cause of the collapse of other nations. What was the cause? The corruption that rotted away the very foundation upon which those nations were built. The United States of America, a nation founded on the principles of freedom, democracy, and equality, has unfortunately experienced a gradual deterioration from the ideals upon which it was founded. Throughout its history, the country has faced numerous challenges, societal shifts, and political changes that have eroded the very fabric of its foundations. In addition, partisan politics and ideological polarization have hindered cooperation and dialogue, further eroding the unity upon which the nation was built. Another critical aspect of this decay is the growth of income inequality and socioeconomic disparity. The wealth gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, leaving many struggling to make ends meet. This has led to a sense of disillusionment and despair among those who feel left behind by an economic system that seems to favor the privileged few. In addition, issues of racial inequality and systemic racism have come to the fore, challenging the notion of equal opportunity and justice for all. Historically marginalized communities continue to face discrimination and injustice, underscoring the need for comprehensive reforms to address and redress these long-standing inequities. While there is no doubt that the United States has achieved remarkable successes throughout its history, it is critical to recognize and address the challenges that threaten to undermine the core values of the United States. Secular and biblical history contain records of nations founded on similar ideas, but as time passes and societies evolve, the original ideals that once guided the nation can sometimes become distorted or manipulated by those in power. Leaders, driven by personal agendas or influenced by external factors, can stray from the original vision and put their own interests ahead of the well-being of the people. This deviation from the core principles that originally united the nation can have dire consequences. It weakens the social fabric and undermines trust and cohesion between the people and their leaders. The end result is their own downfall and either the replacement of the government by its own citizens or conquest by others. In the early stages of a nation’s development, these ideals serve as a unifying force, rallying individuals to a common cause. They provide a sense of identity and purpose, fostering a collective spirit that propels the nation forward. In some cases, this decline can lead to a seismic shift within the nation itself. The citizens, realizing the deviation from their founding ideals, rise up to reclaim and restore the original values that once bound them together. We have witnessed numerous instances throughout history where governments have been overthrown or replaced by their own people in a quest for true representation and justice. Or when leaders stray too far from the principles that once defined their nation, it opens the door for external forces to exploit these vulnerabilities. Conquering nations or competing ideologies may seize the opportunity to challenge and overthrow the existing government. Time and again, history has taught us this harsh reality.

As citizens of this great nation, we always want the best for our country, where its citizens can prosper. To achieve this, it is important to prioritize various aspects that contribute to the well-being and progress of our society. One very important aspect is the teaching of the Word of God. Strong and stable spiritual growth promotes emotional stability, law-abiding behavior, and even financial security for each individual. By encouraging obedience to biblical guidelines, respect, and love for one another, we can build a thriving system that benefits everyone. I ponder deeply the implications of the widespread corruption and moral degradation that seems to be spreading like wildfire throughout our beloved nation. It is a disturbing phenomenon that fills my heart with sorrow and concern for the future of our nation. Corruption, in its various forms, undermines the very foundation of trust upon which any functioning democracy is built. When those in positions of power and authority succumb to the temptations of greed and self-interest, it undermines the integrity of our institutions and tarnishes the hopes and dreams of ordinary citizens. As ethical standards are disregarded and ethical behavior takes a back seat to personal gain, it is disappointing to witness the deterioration of moral values. The consequences of such a decline can be far-reaching, affecting all aspects of our lives, from finance to education, from politics to the judicial system. A nation that neglects the interests of its own citizens and forgets to protect them is doomed to its own destruction. Here in the United States, we are no different from other nations of the past that once stood strong but failed to protect their own reason for being, their citizens, who are supposed to be led by men of character under the fear of the Lord. Allow me to give you the divine judgment for any nation that does not follow the divine guidelines for its conduct:

“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

The message conveyed by this scripture is undeniably clear and resonates with a profound sense of purpose and inevitability. It serves as a timeless reminder that the ultimate fulfillment of divine prophecy does not depend on the faith or unbelief of the wicked. Regardless of their choice or denial, the unyielding course of these prophecies remains steadfast, surpassing the temporal realm and echoing through the ages. Though some may choose to refute or dismiss the prophetic words, they cannot alter the unchanging course set by divine decree. The passage reminds us of the power of divine justice and the consequences that await those who reject or disregard it. It encourages self-examination and calls for reflection on the unchanging truths that prevail throughout time. One can contemplate the consequences of disregarding these divine principles by examining the idea of divine judgment. This idea serves as a warning of sorts, reminding individuals that their actions have consequences beyond the confines of their earthly existence. Once the corrupt elements reach the boundaries set by God, then judgment will be carried out on each individual, or as the passage states, “on every nation that forgets God”.

While the exact nature and mechanisms of divine judgment vary in different forms, whether it is direct divine intervention [Genesis 19:24] or God allowing nature to bring about such punishment, the underlying principles often revolve around the idea that each person will be held accountable for his or her actions and will face consequences accordingly [Romans 2:6; Galatians 6:7-8]. The biblical view emphasizes the notion of individual judgment, in which each person is examined and judged independently on the basis of his or her own actions and intentions [Revelation 20:12], which are supposed to be consistent with divine guidelines.

So the main question remains: What will become of the future state of the United States? It will suffer the same fate as every other nation that once stood strong and fell. Can the United States change its course to such destruction? Unfortunately, no, because the people who are leading the nation have no character and in many cases no moral values. If you take a look at the people who have been put in place to govern this nation, they have changed the direction of the country to what they want. Some have been caught in their scheme to profit from it, while others have used their power to cover up their deeds, but all of them have forgotten that God will use their deeds to carry out a divine judgment. If God is silent on a particular question or subject [Deuteronomy 29:29], we should not speculate about it. What can we do then? We can determine the framework in which God has dealt with any nation in the past that is written in the biblical text. What does the biblical record tell us about this? It shows that when corruption rots the core of any nation or individual, then destruction is at the door. Throughout history we have records of many nations suffering such destruction, and yet we have failed to learn from them. Why are they corrupt? Because of the sinful nature that drives man [Romans 5:12; Ephesians 2:3]. As believers, we pray for our nation [1 Timothy 2:1-2] and ask God to bless it, but we cannot ignore the tolerance of sinful things encouraged by the civil laws passed by corrupt people.

Today we are witnessing the rapid growth of materialism [Luke 12:16-21; 1 Timothy 6:17], sexual promiscuity [Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9], violence, abuse, oppression, and corruption in our nation. This trend will eventually destroy the very reason this nation was founded. Do I wish for this? Never, on the contrary, I pray that God can save as many people as possible, but the downfall of this country is inevitable: the question is when. We read history and saw the rise of the Babylonians and their fall [Daniel 5:30-31; Jeremiah 51:11, 31, 39, 57], and also the Persian Empire [Daniel 8:20; 11:1-2], which followed the same fate. Then the Greeks [Daniel 8:21; 10:20] and the Romans [Daniel 2:40; 7:7, 23], who fell after reaching the boundaries set by God. Once a nation reaches these limits, a divine mechanism is set in motion and the consequences come upon them. Have you noticed what happened after all these great nations fell? All that remains are shards of what once seemed indestructible. We tend to forget what happened to these nations and learn from them. Even though we cannot find a direct biblical reference to what God has in store for this nation after it has become so perverted with materialism and sexual depravity, we could use the same structure that has been used for past nations.

What, then, can be gathered from these examples of the past and applied to the future state of the United States? That after the collapse of these nations, all that will remain are the scattered fragments of what once was [For example, in Daniel 8:22, After the death of Alexander, in the very prime of his life and at the peak of his conquests, his brother and his two sons were all murdered; and his kingdom was divided among four of his generals, that is, Antigonus, Cassander, Ptolemy, and Seleucus]. So the same thing is going to happen here in the United States, it is going to be an inevitable moment when the nation will break up and small pieces of it will remain. Just as it happened to the USSR, the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, the British Empire, and many others. Here is what the biblical structure placed in the biblical text indicates the United States will experience: Because of the size of the country, the United States will be divided into small groups of states that will form an “alliance” that will maintain their own existence as citizens of these small alliances. For example, the northeastern states such as New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut will form an alliance, as will other scattered states. Since each state has its own constitution, it can establish a form of individual government [e.g., California and Texas], or it can join with others to form such alliances, just as nations have done in the past. Let us not forget that the reason for the Civil War was to become independent of the other states.

One very important thing that cannot be overlooked: As powerful as the United States is now, it cannot be when the Antichrist comes to power [Revelation 6:2]. This means that when the time comes for the Antichrist to rise and become a public figure, the United States will already be breaking into small alliances. Are you telling me that the United States will not exist as a powerful nation when the prophetic time comes? That’s exactly what I’m saying in this article. The prophetic scenario does not foretell any involvement of the United States as a powerful nation when these prophecies come into motion. Will the same thing happen to the Russian government? No, because for the Russian government, as well as for the Chinese government and many others, the biblical text has drawn a different prophetic scenario, which is described by Daniel in chapter 11:44, which says:

"But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him [Antichrist]: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many."

I should point out that when Daniel 11:44 refers to “But tidings out of the east and out of the north,” it has a reference point, the kingdom of the Antichrist, which at that time will be over the 10 kingdoms [Daniel 2:40-43; 7:7-8, 24; Revelation 17:12-17] that will form in western Europe, northern Africa, and eastern Asia: where the old Roman Empire once existed. After the Antichrist has conquered these nations, which are “east and north” of his kingdom, he will move his seat of government from there to Jerusalem, as predicted by Daniel in the following passage, which says:

"And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between [Zechariah 14:8] the seas in the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him." Daniel 11:45

After the Antichrist has conquered Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and every other nation that is “east and north” of these 10 kingdoms that will arise at that time. This is how God will judge the Russians, the Chinese, and the others who are in this geographical area. Many biblical writers have erroneously extended the kingdom of the Antichrist beyond the boundaries set by God in His Word, causing great confusion among all biblical students. But the Scriptures limit the time [Daniel 7:25; Revelation 11:2; 13:5] and extent of the Antichrist’s kingdom [Daniel 7:25 “the ten horns out of this kingdom (The territory of the old Roman Empire) are ten kings that shall arise”]. You should study the Scriptures more closely instead of listening to the nonsense of ignorant people. There will be no United States involved in opposing the forces of the Antichrist when he enters the prophetic scenario.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Democracy is government of the people, by the people, and for the people“. Is that really the motivation of the people who are supposed to govern this nation? Unfortunately, this is not the motivation of these elected officials. Sometimes we look the other way and pretend that the person we elect to lead this beautiful nation is not a corrupt person. Not realizing that every time we elect such a corrupt person, we ourselves are harming the same nation we love. We get caught up in playing a political game and promoting the ideas of such a corrupt person, only to find ourselves facing the consequences of our decisions. No politician can undo the damage done every time we elect an incompetent leader. Take a look at what is going on in the various branches of our government, can you honestly believe that this nation can survive under the current way of governing? If we think so, we are fooling ourselves. Congress is polluted with people who only like power and to profit from it. The Supreme Court is no exception to this corruption, as many of them have been placed there to further the hidden agenda of the President’s political party that elected that person. Every time we have an elected president, he has filled his cabinet with people who also have their own hidden agendas, which in most cases only benefit that person in particular. After the president’s term ends, many things are left broken and unfinished that are either ignored or simply buried by the incoming new administration. This nation is moving further and further away from God and the divine principles that we proclaim to have, but do not reflect in our actions.

Abraham Lincoln’s words are an old man’s dream that never came true. A nation that does not have God and His divine principles will always have its days numbered; just as it was the case with this wicked king:

“Then Daniel answered and said before the king, Let thy gifts be to thyself, and give thy rewards to another; yet I will read the writing unto the king, and make known to him the interpretation. O thou king, the most high God gave Nebuchadnezzar thy father a kingdom, and majesty, and glory, and honour: And for the majesty that he gave him, all people, nations, and languages, trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew; and whom he would he kept alive; and whom he would he set up; and whom he would he put down. But when his heart was lifted up, and his mind hardened in pride, he was deposed from his kingly throne, and they took his glory from him: And he was driven from the sons of men; and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses: they fed him with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven; till he knew that the most high God ruled in the kingdom of men, and that he appointeth over it whomsoever he will. And thou his son, O Belshazzar, hast not humbled thine heart, though thou knewest all this; But hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of heaven; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou, and thy lords, thy wives, and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver, and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know: and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified: Then was the part of the hand sent from him; and this writing was written. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and put a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom. In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. And Darius the Median took the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old.” Daniel 5:17-31

“Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting”. These are words of warning to this great nation and its citizens, but just as this wicked king and his subjects were polluted with sexual immorality, idolatry, boasting, and materialism, so their time came and there was no mercy for them. As Daniel’s prophecy came to pass in this biblical record, so it will be with every prophetic word yet to come. As believers, we should not cling to the materialism [Proverbs 23:5; 27:24; Ecclesiastes 5:13-14; Jeremiah 9:23-24] that will destroy this country, but rather set our eyes on what God has in store for us, things that are eternal in nature [2 Corinthians 4:18; 1 John 2:16-17].

Let us pray: “Blessed are You, Lord, King and Supreme Ruler of the universe, who has blessed this beautiful nation, the United States of America. Lord, we ask for Your mercy on those who are rebellious in obeying Your Word, even those who are elected officials and have neglected their duties. Father, we ask for guidance through Your Holy Spirit and cleanse us with the blood of Your Son, Jesus. Protect us from any harm that may come from Satan’s agents. We thank You for Your grace and favor upon this great nation and its citizens and persuade anyone from sin through Your immense mercy and love. Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ holy name, Amen!”

I encourage you to continue in your walk with the Lord and never allow others to influence your divine calling with their polluted ideas.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Rev. Jay Werman